The Chesapeake 20 Association is the oldest surviving one design class on the Chesapeake Bay.
With boats dating back to the 1930s still racing, to ones built in the last decade, the class has enjoyed exciting longevity.
An Evolution Class.
The Chesapeake 20s have been evolving since the first one was built. Originally Hard-Chimed, the boat continually changed as Dick Hartge built them with Challenger becoming the first Round-Chimed twenties we think of today.
Original Wood
Sail Numbers 0-199
Hand-Built by a few different builders, but most surviving (and faster) ones were built by Captain Dick Hartge in Galesville, Maryland.
Sail Numbers 200-299
Molded from Endeavor in the 90s, these injected a new period of growth. Built by Chesapeake 20 Boatworks.
Sail Numbers 300-399
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Sail a Twenty!
For Sale. Ready for Restoration.
Starlight: Hartge Original (Wood)More details on this coming soon. Boat is in mint ready to sail condition.
Columbia: Hartge Original (Wood)Columbia is a minor project, has masts and rigging. She needs paint, a new centerboard bolt, and some love. Likely not that difficult to get back on the water racing! Likely free to somebody willing to bring her back on the race course.
Four Aces #41 - Hartge Original (Wood)Four Aces Erik Anderson 703-314-8940
Ranger #209 - FiberglassNancy Schlegel 410-212-7347
GIFTED: Stormy #00/#26 - 19390 Hartge Original (Wood)Please refer to this article on the West River Sailing Club website > https://www.westriversc.com/post/stormy
SAVED: Enterprise - Hartge Original (Wood)Please save this boat before it goes MIA, as the last two Chesapeake 20s to sell through the maritime museum are now "lost" to the fleet. https://cbmm.org/boat-donation/7056-chesapeake-20-sailboat/
SOLD: Gracie #302Recently sold to Heidi Bay.
Gay Lady #44 - Hartge WoodContact the Class President.
Scotch & Water
Waterlous #20 - Hartge Original (Wood)Waterlous is hull #20. According to Jane Hartge, she was built by Cap'n Dick Hartge in 1952 (probably his last 20) and traded to Louis (Buster) Phipps in exchange for a Roadmaster Buck. Buster had a car dealership on West Street, Annapolis. Jane named her Galatea for Pygmalion’s classic statue come-to-life. Louis did not think much of the name and renamed her Waterlous, supposedly for himself. She has a slight chine, is very pretty and very fast according to Jane. Buster did not race her and eventually sold her to William Loux in 1966. After that, the class lost track of her until contacted by Roger Longenecker of Reading, Pennsylvania. Roger Longenecker purchased the boat over 30 years ago with the intention to restore her. He said that she had sailed out of Betterton, off the Sassafras, MD. She was stored in his barn next to his home which is now for sale and he needed to get rid of the boat since he no longer had storage space. The boat is in poor shape with extensive rot in the aft section, very old sails and a wooden mast in good condition. She can be restored, and the hull does not appear to be hogged. Ted Weihe and Dan Donahue traveled to Reading on December 17, 2009 and picked up the boat (with help from Roger’s front-end loader) and trailered her back to West River Sailing Club.